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Want more people to watch your Instagram Stories highlights? Learn how.

Aditya Singh

Check these tips for more clicks and views on your Instagram Highlights Covers.

Instagram highlights brings value to your Instagram Stories- a separate feed to which people could post content that would vanish 24 hours later. By creating highlights, you can move your otherwise vanishing stories down into the center of your Instagram profile.

Instagram Highlights covers are the first visual branding assets on your profile, their tasks is to draw your audience's attention and inviting them to engage with your stories.

A strategic combination of content organization, visual designs and keywords help improve the chances of more people looking at your profile and return to your Instagram highlights.

Learn how to do it in right ways:

1. Structure Instagram Highlights Albums for Quick Content Discoverability

Your Instagram Stories highlights function the same as a menu at the top of your website functions; they serve to show your audience the types of content you have to offer, in terms of content type, topic, or event.

Here are 3 Organization structures to consider:

Content Type: Popular choice for a lot of content creators who want to separate the type of content they create (podcasts, blogs, videos. etc). Useful in a way if you want to highlight a particular channel or type of content.

Topic category: This structure is useful for content creators who prefer to organize their content into categories, prove beneficial in easing out your audiences search of some particular topic, product or service.

Event: Prove out be useful if you run a lot of events and want to organize your Insta stories highlights by event name or date. This will make it easy for people to review your past events or find events related posts and stories.

You can create a new Insta highlights by navigating to your Insta profile and click on +icon

2. Create A Custom Insta Highlights Covers for Each Album

Your Instagram highlights covers play a key role in engagement and interaction with your content. Highlights covers are of kind : Image and Cover Name.

Design your highlights cover for your highlights album or leave on Instagram to create one for you but with a lesser control over how your covers will look on.

3. Add Visual Cues To Album Covers To Emphasize Content Organization

You can also create Instagram highlights covers using text and emojis instead of images. Emojis have been making a name for themselves in marketing copy by making your brand more human and relatable.

4. Use Faces To Create A Human Connection

Letting your audiences know the face behind those compelling stories and visuals is yet another way of building connections and brands.

5. Use Color In Your Highlights Covers To Draw The Viewer's Eye

This is probably one of the most popular strategies for creating Instagram Stories highlights covers: By using brand colors, you’re able to create a cohesive look to your Instagram profile that connects your bio and links above to your content below.



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